Yeem Chij Thao

I'm Yeem Chij Thao, also known as Steve, and currently taking a coding boot camp in hope to learn new skills

I have no professional experience in coding. I some coding knowledge through the bookcamp learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, MySQL.

As I further educate myself either through the boot camp or on my own time, I'd add additional content of what I know and learn in my portofolio.

See my work


Here are some examples of what projects and assignment I've worked on.

Password Generator

An application that an employee can use to generate a random password based on criteria they’ve selected by modifying starter code. This app will run in the browser, and will feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code.
Technology used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Link: Deployed | Github

Team Info Generator

This app is to create a team webpage with all the team member information such as job title, name, email, id. Depending on what the job title is, a different information will show up, such as for Engineer a GitHub link will show, while Intern will show school and manager the office number.
Technology used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Link: Github


Image showing how the project Orbital look like

A application where users can find, create, or navigate clubs/social groups or events taking place in a digital spaces.
Technology used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Handlebars, Nodejs, MySQL
Link: Deployed | Github

Decisive Kitchen

Image showing how the project Orbital look like

A simple recipe finder that will find recipes with nutritional facts based on the user's search criteria.
Technology used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, The Meal DB, Edamam Nutrition API, Canva
Link: Deployed | Github